Friday, December 2, 2011

Off with the shoes!

Don't wear shoes in the house...with this simple step, your home will stay MUCH cleaner, as less allergens will be among your well as bacteria from public restrooms and outdoor contaminants like feces! Once I began no shoes, my life changed for the better!

My Family's Horror Story of Toxic Contamination involving State of Colorado regulars and State Reps' Fraud & Neglect for Innocent Families... a nutshell.

REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION OF THIS STORY; 5 HOURS of my time this a.m. for this update for
WE, the PEOPLE! 

Colorado State Meth Homes- "Decontamination" Report Fraud/Neglect; 
Purposeful & Willful Toxicity of Innocent Family Victims

I was planning on detailing my recent life map of events on this story in full detail, on my newly publicized Mile High Advocate blog at some point soon in time, but, due to my ability to make connections rather quickly, I have requests from my new lady friends for further details. I understand, what a scary topic. Meth? What the heck is that all about? Political stuff? That, as a stand alone would make me quiver. ANGRY lady? S-c-a-r-y! Well, to be quite frank, "YES!" I am so angry, I could spit! But PASSIONATE is the key word here. The Mile High Advocate spends her time on this matter FOR THE PEOPLE OF COLORADO. And only them. And she became not only someone to help get the dangerous awareness out there on meth homes...but anything else you can dream of that is understated by the general media, doctors, government, etc... I have not gotten paid for my tears, my research...which involves determination on finding other illegally toxic homes (which I will be bitter sweetly say," I am happy to tell you I have done just that!  They bought it from a BANK whom got the home labeled as "decontaminated!).* Future link to other family here
In my young, new life of only 3 months here in Castle Rock, whether it be through Sing-a-long Laney (new Music Program for children), my natural, petro-free products, my free pain relief services, or Douglas County Divas, if I have met you, you should know this story, both for strengthening your brains, and so that YOU KNOW what kind of person you are dealing with here; determined, capable, creative, intelligent, a fighter for what is right, and I won't let you down in any of my endeavors in life. My products are the best. My music is inspirational. My motives...motivational. I have altered this story to include more details..I made so many additions, in fact, that this is now a new post altogether :
          If you live in any state, especially Co., this is a direct concern for YOU TOO!

My little tribe of 4 (2 adults, 2 small children,3 animal babies) were all unwitting victims of toxic meth contamination of a home that we moved into in the great state of Colorado...and whatever state you are in, you too, could fall victim to similar circumstance.
If you or anyone you know,  chooses to move into a Colorado rental or purchase, apartment or home, the owner of the property DOES NOT have to tell you that the ring leader of a violent, criminal ring revolving around Methamphetamine made a toxic home base....of YOUR new residence! To note: Even if only the smoking of it was done in the home...JUST the smoking of meth...the home could STILL have serious toxins over all surface material..air ducts, carpeting, walls...and cause serious health concerns...
By law, the EPA oversees to make sure that every home owner is made aware of asbestos and lead...but not SERIOUS and HARMFUL substances that are meth related....IF the home has been declared as properly "decontaminated".
Now, I don't know about you, but knowing what I know now...even if I was told of the home prior to the move in, and given the proper time to research this....I would never purposely recommend OR choose living in a "decontaminated" meth lab.
A realtor legally cannot tell you of the home's meth history..again, IF THE HOME has been properly "decontaminated". And furthermore, some of you are aware of a LIST that you can find, of addresses listed as meth bust homes that are flagged at the front door during the time of initial bust. Well, once a home has been allowed by the city to be deemed as "decontaminated", the home owner can get it taken off the list..with absolutely NO trail left behind to find this history...per address.
Well, what if you had proof like I sit on, that the state regulator herself, Colleen Brisnehan, was blatantly allowing falsified reports, that allow a home to be designated as "decontaminated" on paper, but yet, in reality the home was still HIGHLY TOXIC? Doesn't that, in FACT, mean that you, your sister, your mother...anyone you met on the streets of Colorado would have a stake in this (I hate to use such a light word) "problem"? YES!!! I implore you to read on...
To CLARIFY further with my tribe- We had a two year plan to get to this fab state...came with 20K, paid 6 mo in advance, for rent..we had a new, fabulous rental with the option to buy in two years. This was not what you imagine in your minds; trashy, needs a bit of paint..a "fixer upper"... this home was a 240,000 home, tucked in the foothills of Littleton, Co., state troopers living ALL around me..up and down my street! How great, right? Safe, secure...gorgeous view of the sunsets....ahh! Finally, on to our new lives. Well, shortly after our arrival, one of my neighbors asked me if I knew the history behind my new home...No, what do you ever mean?....and that was the beginning of our hellish start in our great new state! All he knew was a mixture of words that included Meth, drug, and bust...nothing further. Well, I am a musician at heart, and my politics went no further than that. UNTIL THAT VERY MOMENT. I am crying already. Literally. While typing. And within a day, at that particular moment in time, was when the solid stream of tears began...For 3 months, in the home, and not in specific order here, I:
1. Led myself into a messy chain of events...finding the chain of "whos" learning what questions to even ask... speaking with the owners, the cleaners, the testers, the city of DENVER's Environmental Dept of Health's Quality Environmental control office, and the State regulator herself....the undercover agent whom worked the case of this 3 home, three county, same day BUST...SQUEEZING EVERY ounce of professional opinion and detailed specifics, on everything from the bust, the meth, its precursors (the ingredients of the manufacturing process), the procedural paperwork crud, the digitized numbering system and how it works in testing; you think of it, I searched for it! HOURS and HOURS on this alone...speaking with these people upon multiple occasions...making return calls for clarification.... was the LEAST time consuming aspect of the whole ordeal...
2. Researched painstakingly, ALL aspects of meth; I KNEW NOTHING ON THE TOPIC; pictures of people on it, pictures of the product itself throughout the different stages of the product, the manufacturing process itself...the toxicity reports, signs and symptoms...of the home and people and animals....other family's stories...THEN came the dreaded
3.  Word for word research on state statutes and procedural "how tos" when it comes to a home qualifying as properly "decontaminated" to avoid TOXIC CONTAMINATION..poisoning of INNOCENT families that may innocently want to move here and live their wonderful dream...a dream of music, cookouts, making natural products, hiking, helping folks with pain relief, photography, family yoga, family dance parties for 4, baking home made bread ......SOOO many hours on this...
3. Research the WHO IS WHO in the political arena: the "Chain of command", if you will. *future links to chains of command on Worldy issues. Politics just never was my bag of tricks...nor was history class....BUT during the weeks, in which, we were basically homeless...(living with a new musician friend and angel whom opened up her lovely mother-in-law suite) I had 2 agendas: find another home for the tribe, and create a Mile High Advocate gmail account and fill it with 150 FULL detailed contact list of anyone in the upper arena that SHOULD be alarmed for concern. Senators, representatives, Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment, District attorney, FBI, EPA...150 all in all...imagine the time it takes and the amount of calls to make to get not only advice of procedures, rules, who is who, who cares most, who should handle this aspect, that aspect....
I will go on ahead and publicly announce one of the few email responses I did get from my long letter via email which includes a 62 page forensic report *future link here . Beth McCann, yes your very own...used-to-be Deputy Attorney General..supposed well practiced attorney at law...whom was the Deputy position at the time of her self embarrassing email response to unknown, regular, stay at home mom nobody....Well, she had not only the nerve to NOT CARE TO READ it past the first line or two...but as well, she wrote a snippety remark, which goes something like this: Than you for sending us your information. I wonder if you have found attorney, or if you could find one, considering that you tested the home before you purchase it." Well, without knowing "who" she really was, other than the fact that her email was on the list as senator bla bla...I immediatley write her back, something to the effect of: "Well, apparently you either MIS read my information, or you didn't bother taking the time to read any of it." I then gave her the gist of the matter...rental, option to buy..yada, yada...and,"if you would like to advocate on the side of the community with me, that would be great..however, before you respond again, please take the time to read my 62 page report..its a great read...and be prepared to bring your fire with you..thanks for writing Beth! Lalani DeVine~ Mother and New Advocate for the Colorado Community"*Future link to our FULL email back-n-forths to each other
Never did I hear a peep from her quick little "un" self-informed mouth again. Yes, I did indeed say that..been a long time coming, Beth McCann. And guess what I learned in the last 3 years, Beth McCann? Yes, healthy, natural products and their creation...yes, how to properly decontaminate a meth home like the back of my hand...but something more... I learned that each time I say your name, Beth McCann, anywhere on the net...I cause a direct search link, called a spider....for a direct search engine to find it...ANY TIME someone types your name. In fact, two weeks after this is posted, your name will infinitely be a pop up. Infinitely. And there is no such thing as defamation of you are speaking the truth. I told you, and everyone else I spoke with or wrote to: I will make note of the "Cared" and the "Cared Nots". Maybe I wasn't clear on the implied fact that I will be sharing this list. And to be clear: SHAME ON YOU, not only for not caring enough to read a topic LABELED "STATE fraud on meth home decontaminations", but SHAME on you for quipping me to boot! And a woman in your position, no less! You could have done enormous things with efforts to help keep the people of Colorado community safe! I implored you to help!!! The full shame list in my direct story will be posted below the story.

Scary times: From the combination of the contaminants I was breathing in and absorbing through my pores...and all the tears and talking and tears and talking....and more tears and talking....and the several weeks of no sleep all nite or few hours..which led to anxietal puking each voice sounded like I smoked petro for 50 years! And my first true love in life...singing....was not the same! Crying again....I was so scared...even now, my voice is not 100%...better..but not 100.

Even scarier times: Is my home safe? Is it not? We thought we were getting Colorado allergy son itching all over and squirmy...calm down boy! arg! Mine and little Adley's throats were synchronized in clearing our throats, more and hubby...took Ibuprofen each day..and albeit, he had some bittersweet positive effects downstairs, we couldn't make use of my focus level went through the roof...I became a ball of mess...and the coming of weird, strange lack of motor actions within my shoulders...almost like they weren't quite "awake" from falling asleep....all of these symptoms we had... found to be symptoms of this kind of contamination!
This is serious stuff can cause serious damage to children and adults...and animals! *future link to signs and symptoms your home is contaminated (remember, there are thousands of homes all over the US) Animals are the most sensitive. In fact, one week after our arrival, my dog Coco, started to yelp while jumping on the couch! Not just a yelp, here...a curdling yelp...ask me when it stopped? Two weeks after moving OUT of the home. I actually saw my cat hallucinate once right before my eyes. In retrospect, I see that my cat, was in fact, telling me that something was seriously wrong...I just wasn't clear on what...she would meoooooow like a crazy cat in heat...throughout most days...and try and dig into boxes still packed....
TO BE CLEAR on HOW we were contaminated and by what: When you arrive into one of these homes, the left over meth and precursor (ingrediental substances) toxins are like a dust...(For those of you researching for your family, DO NOT get confused: (my best explaination) If a home is used to cook or smoke, the items will be saturated in the "soot" in the air. For a home that moves into a home that used to be a cooking/smoking place, the "dust particulates remain). We have a strict house rule to boot: we don't wear shoes in the we were getting drugged thru our pores constantly...and by moving air...the walls were encapsulated, which meant that they basically painted over the toxic walls...but it seeps thru over a short time... my back yard had definite, suspect ash piles (hat look much like remainders of a grill) in the very back (6 pounds of waste per pound of meth) said State regulator, Colleen Brisnehan herself.. in charge of Environmental and people least, that is what my phone video says! (23 minutes of total recording time of the frauds)(Don't you love electronics?)*future link to evidenciary video footage
Do you know that we were ONE week from using the 30 times the limit air ventilation system? Barf at the thought!
Once away from the i supposed to clear out of a human system in a couple of days....BUT what about the long term effects...there are reports...and my word of mouth...In 2 days, my eldest stopped itching intensely. Mine and my little one's throats cleared drastically..with the exception of my voice...weeks on end of the rough and tumble sound...and crying over my not-the-same song voice....and I will be clear...I still don't know what kind of long-term effects we will have to come...and what about the monetary, business income loss? Oh, a whole other aspect. How can you even think of making natural products to sell that may potentially come from a contaminated home office...even thought the city says it is safe to live in????
I had wall to wall metal commercial shelving in place..and attached to the walls! Thank God, I had much of my supplies wrapped and protected in plastic!!! All was in place for the renewing of my business, but was never touched by my hands to take the next step in manufacturing!!! (I will stop you now..the radio station's 2nd interview, questioned my "natural products" business too...after a caller referred to me stating, "I can't operate my "natural" products business"....and not he real issue at hand-to be clear-no, there is no hemp ; ) ...only other natural, petro free stuff )
Radio is another segment. *Future link to Radio Tom Martino's 3 segments I did. (Once from the home as a ball of mess, another from the temporary home talking on the facts and proof found, and another from the next home we moved into, talking further on the fact of finding another family home highly meth toxic.)
HARDSHIPS: To be clear here-I am not the kind of gal who planned to have hubby do all the work. Our moving plans required me to get right to work my business..which was going no where... and seriously halted...or money, dwindling...

In the end of the 3 months in the home, I practically lived in the basement with the laptop...on the phone with lawyers..too small of a case then became too big... now...they want 20k just to talk...I got down to the nitty gritty... on phones constantly about my home...full time...much sacrifice from time with my children...

Our last year, basically stolen from us, was torture alone!

Back to the facts:
How I knew when to get out:
After many crying voice messages sent to anyone who could help or angel named Mr. Connell and his wonderful wife and equal tested my home for free and said, "get out now"...we ran...
*Good link: Mr. Connell, the expert, and police officer, police officer trainer, international orator on toxicology, and part author of the actual COLORADO STATE STATUTES ON "How to properly Decontaminate a meth home". Did you higher ups get that part? I will be emailing the link for well as making "spiders' throughout the web.... which is for sure to find it's way to you soon enough...

As the home currently sits, we took 6 samples; only 2 of which have been turned in thus far...the air ducts are 30 xs the limit, the garage, 50 xs. * Future link on the braintwixing digits and figurable calculations

If it couldn't be washed or wiped, it had to be thrown out...12 hundred dollar king mattress...dining set, kids blocks, 400 dollar lounge chair, 400 dollar couch...soooooo much more....even things that I just didn't have the time to properly clean...all was just impossible!


There are only 18 states that even follow a "guideline" set forth by the EPA...when it comes to "how to treat a home that has been poisoned with toxins METH". Guideline does NOT mean means that if a state chooses to first open their eyes to the dangerous problem at hand; thousands of meth contaminated homes across the country, and then follow some sort of rules within the cleanup procedures, they may choose, voluntarily, do so.
 Now, out of these few 18 states, what good will the guidelines do if they aren't properly followed? What good is it to even turn the rules into state statutes? Even when the holes I found are filled in? Our story involves many fraudulent/negligent folks, which include the home owner, Lispin Kuruvilla AKA Lispin Markose... whom is a highly respected teacher at Thomas Jefferson High School in Denver county...all the way up to the state regulator, with the job of protecting the people...the property manager Tharian and Sara Matamana, Gobble Hayes (industrial hygienists), Paul Davis Restoration w/ Curt Cumba(still promoted on on the Tri-county website referral list for meth home clean up), Bob Woellner with Quest (Quality Environmental Systems and Technologies)(again, on this list), the city of Denver's Health Dept; Environmental Quality with Gene Hook...and finally, Colleen Brisnehan with the CDPHE (Colorado Dept of Health and Environment)...*future link to taking the frauds/neglectful off the Tri-County promoted websites for all home owners in Colorado to find when seeking out someone reputable to clean their rental homes (BARF)*future link as to EXACTLY the proof on each individual listed here

Now, with all the frauds and neglectful work, what exactly, on Earth are you supposed to do when renting or buying a new property? 
All you can do is: Call Mr. Connell. For 500 hundred or so (ask him for specific money amounts-different situations/buildings/contamination factors here folks), he comes to the place in ?, and does PROPER sampling/testing. He is a very busy man, in fact, he doesn't even know I am typing his name as we speak. He has enough on his plate, going from country to country and state to state helping and training...he probably doesn't even need the business or have time for more. This isn't about money here...HE is the one I would call on, to refer me to THE BEST testers he knows, that actually know their stuff. MARK MY WORDS: He re-tests over homes which have already supposedly been tested and "passed" by the city...given the green light, if you will. And time and again, he finds such a negligence with the final home testers (called industrial hygienists)...that is part of the holes I want to fill..the proper checking of credentials that bring the "clean home" report back to the cities. From my passionate efforts...and his how the other family was found...thru suspect homes finalized by suspect folks....of which, are many.
Let me tell you, this blog is VERY newly available and public. Just last week, in fact. But there is such little help for the regular folk to find on this scary and intense journey... that I know, through my "trails" and "spiders", it will quickly become a big information spot for many to will be such an asset to those in my situation; desperate, alone, fearing for her family, and fraudulently led to almost certain insanity!

This, folks, is how I became the Mile High Advocate for the Colorado (and American) Community after only 3 months of arriving to this beautiful state. Again, not only for this issue, but others that get cooked and strained from the media and school teachings...even with simple things like: If I have any problem or concerned citizen matter, who in the government can help? Where do I find my statutes? What are Warranty of Habitability Laws? Signs of whooping cough? How do I get help change the laws?  Basics in life.. and their links...How to find the owner of a to research properly...yes, I am working right now, for WE the People, but I want to show you the quick links slash some good info from time to time on finding your way to do your own work...How can I help myself in anything that directly effects my life?!
The world out there is scary..and unknown really; all to often we take the answers we are given...which most of the time, are back by motives we are highly unaware of...Here, this will be my way to help you


My husband tells me that he is so glad I am so thorough...when I look back, the hours upon hours of research on ingredients in our daily products was a staggering effort, when it came to making my own natural products...I see that THAT was a piece of cake until this! Imagine how many phone calls one has to make to accomplish the above?... how much stress. strain. loss of sleep...tears in the closet...hours of research... am i going to prove this home to be highly dangerous to be do i get out. ..where would we go. who would help us . victims of crime? think again. Victim of stark misfortune? we will help...yeah right! Not says the uppers in the Victims of Crime...NO ONE in the COLORADO AGENCIES offer help to those toxically contaminated! Even when they are calling, crying for help! No one! Yet, another change I plan to make!

In my story, which is far from disconcerting, I have (and have access to more) proof of holes, neglect, fraud, and blatant, purposeful toxicity of innocent victims across the state of Colorado system, which I am marking territory on for change..not just here in Colorado, but throughout America. Period. *future link to the EXACT HOLES that need filling. After taking a brief pause due to struggling to trying to get our life back together...I am putting a plan in day at a not only change the laws, but to by-pass them in a way so as to make everyone NOT be able to turn cheek..and adopt a my plan as a whole..voluntarily, before the snail system of law even takes it into consideration...and this is only done thru SHARING.

Feel free to look at the adement side of me...passionate for the people's reights...but for those of you checking me out on the Sing-a-long Laney side of thigs, for singing with children...just know this: I have a passing FBI background check, licensing, musical experience...and I can be trusted! My fun side can be seen on videos that ill be posted this week on Sing-a-long Laney You tube! Hope you too, appreciate this mother and new Advocate for the Colorado Community! Peace to all!

Mile High Advocate on You tube

Rant on pissed-offedness about Colorado, one of only 18 states with a failing "system" that allows innocent families to move into toxic chemical contamination of filth!

Mile High Advocate on You tube

Another that gives more detail and less rant...(be clear, BOTH are necessary to achieve change)

Try a new spice in the kitchen! Coriander..EASY BAKED RAISIN BRAN CHICKEN

I was a vegetarian for 5 years, and I am so thankful for those years..for you really have to do special tricks for things like Tofu! Thus, I found the beauty in the spice...
If you are scared to try different things, just start with one, like I did, then get two, and so on.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

State and local government control over Meth lab Homes' cleanups: HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE to their jobs!

Well, the EPA does not want control over residential, thus the onus is on the state and local governing the stresser here, is that "we the people" MUST force the Mayors, Governors, and Senators to mobilize and protect the good people of Colorado ( and all states) by making it mandatory to final test all mitigated(cleaned) & tested (by the property owner's own choices of mitigators and Ind Hyg.) homes like Tri county does (albeit, they are promoting all of my bad ind. hygienists and mitigators on their site-soon to change if I have anything to do with it).

Natural Head Lice Treatments...

Has my Family had it? No. Have I had it in the past? Yes! Many times...from my younger brother...
Quick FIX: Olive Oil to suffocate them, let it set,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moving to a New Place? Check your Heating/Cooling Vents/Filters!

When you move into an apartment or home, have you ever once thought of the vents and what has fallen in them? I know I never did..that is until I moved into a contaminated and toxic home. The next home I just moved into, in fact, had way more than a handful of debris in just one vent alone! Talk about GROSS!

To Burn or Not to Burn? That is the Question!

   Look, women have been around for think we would all be great chefs by now, right? Hell no! Why not? Well, society has driven us to be not only the moms, but it has become a basic requirement for many of us to go out and make money atop that!
   Look, I am a go getter, and I completely understand if a woman wants to get out there and work..I have done it (home businesses) and it takes alot out of me. In fact, if I had worked for someone else during my kid-time, I would have actually had more time to spend with them...and thus, more time to have learned early on...exactly HOW TO COOK!

Signs of Whooping Cough~very under-diagnosed...

Here it is in a nutshell..have a cough? Not usual to strep or anything like what you have experienced?
THE BIG SIGNS OF WHOOPING COUGH: You are normal, voice and throat one second..then all of a sudden, you are coughing like a seal almost..uncontrollably, for around 45 seconds or so..then poof, it is gone! All normal again, and in between these harsh boughs of coughing and trying to catch air, you can even go sing at normal. Video samples of children coughing

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why I am the Mile High Advocate

It is late, but that is just as well...12:01 am, in fact. But that is usual for me now. Up at odd hours. You see, my family has been victimized by many folks lately..and I am taking a stand. Not only am I taking a stand for us, but for the whole lot of us 'Greenies' or 'Granolas' here in Colorado...and why stop there? I am shootin' fer the whole lot of us within humanity. Now, I know it sounds like a big job..but by God, if the President and the one before him and so on had a crazy inkling of that very same thought, why not me?
   I think little ol' me (now are you tasting my Oklahoman accent yet?) could do some good, after all, I am me, and me doesn't take no for an answer..and better yet, I certainly didn't take "yes" for an answer when it comes to the source problem that kicked this 'Mile High Advocacy' off in the first place.
You see, we moved here to this beautiful place a mile high from sea level, for the beauty and wonder of nature, good green folks, and the culture...what we found was a home lovely to the eye..everything I had ever wanted in a home for the next phase of our lives...but underneath the crisp sky and through the fresh air, I smelled something home, nicely remodeled and decorated with state patrols on the street, had a big secret only the most stubborn of stubborn could have uncovered.
I know that now. That is why God/Creator/Energy placed me there. For no one else would have uncovered the truth to such the degree that I have.
So let me ask you this. If you didn't build your home from scratch, how do you know you aren't living in a meth lab? Think your realtor would tell you? Think the seller or landlord would tell you? Think again.
In Denver, for example, a 9 year old girl could walk into Gene Hook's office with the Dept of Environment (in the Dept of Health), hand him the final test results report (which they DO NOT read), and as long as the little girl signed the statement saying that SHE THOUGHT HERSELF TO BE CREDENTIALED for the job (Industrial hygiene), he would slide the file into a hole in the wall, where it would sit.

Now, you may be wondering, "Doesn't anybody read this?" No.

You may be wondering, "How would anyone find out if they actually did a good job?"   You won't.
That is, unless someone lives in the home long enough to get very ill(which could be a week, a month, or years after many hospital trips/medications for the kids) and happen to come by the thought of a meth testing on the home, only to find it meth positive.
Now, you may think,"great, now the city will do something about the home, right?
Wrong. Denver, for example, WILL NOT do anything with the new report. No reading of it. No charges pressed on the criminal impersonator (remember now, impersonating a qualified industrial hygienist). They will simply slide it into the same dark chasm in the wall...right next to the other one.
There will be no call to anyone higher up. There will be no postings placed on the one. There will be no slap on the hand. There will be another family victims in the same home again....scary isn't it?
Well, I take one thing back. My rental with options to buy, I am long gone from, but I continue to drive there periodically and have neighbors watching every move there. Simply put-my vested interest is to warn ANYONE who may be looking at it for rent or purchase. In the meantime, I struggle and strive to read the statutes, learn who does what when it comes to laws, bills, amendments, and prosecutions.
 Oh, and another may be asking,"who does one sue? Here in Colorado, the onus(responsibility) is on the owner...and you have only 3 years to get them good for what they have done...
Well, I take one thing back. My rental with options to buy has a kicker. A BIG one. After I found out about the home having been a "decontaminated" meth lab, I researched, and when I wouldn't take, "Yes, your home is clean" for an answer, I called the (get ready for this) State public health official over these matters...she is from the
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
                 *Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
                         *Hazardous waste program
                               *Regulatory Assistance
                                         *Corrective Actions Unit- Project Manager,
Colleen Brisnehan, and she brought up "personal visit".
Boy, I'll say...and what a personal visit it was.
I am now sitting on forensic (The use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law) proof that this "Environmental Protection Specialist" that she calls herself, with a job description a mile long has been allowing fraudulent paperwork on homes to get through the state system.
Personal gain reasons, for sure.
And for sure, there are many, many more folks with a long line of health concerns and no idea of he source...which is sure to be a highly contaminated meth home ... right under their noses, and under these blue, clear skies of Colorado...
and your state possibly...after all, my home in Colorado, a state with supposed supported regulations is just as contaminated as some homes in states without regs. I believe now there are only 18 states with regs at all. People test for lead, they test for asbestos, but why not meth? My journey has brought me to: EPA needs rules for these, mandatory. and only voluntary guidelines for meth cleanup?
Well, I think I am about to sip the b.s. that comes with trying to get every state involved voluntarily and go straight to the leadership. If the EPA makes it mandatory for certain cleanup criteria, including filling in the holes within the job require proper credential checking..and mandatory calls on possible fraud or would then become a federal offense to deviate from those rules. Period. Every state would then have to. Wouldn't that be great in a state with over 1,100 busts a year?

More You Tube videos to come...Goodnight, sleep tight, and remember, always get a meth test on your home. You worry about asbestos, lead..and now you definitely should be concerned about METH. For your family and personal belongings.

Before this, I had never known of the dangers.
Always question the answers, my friends. Always.
Prepare yourself. Read. Share. Learn. Grow.
Be safe.