Sunday, July 22, 2012

Something Smells Fishy..Oh yes it's the radiation!

Why NOT to buy seafood, dairy, produce from Japan…
or seafood from the west coast!

Remember the drastic waves that hit Japan last year, typing between 60 and 100 feet high? You know, the story no one talks about any more?
Nevermind all the thousands upon thousands that were caught off gaurd...and with all of the high boot, on this dreaded March 11, 2011: triple meltdowns (that turned more) at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi six-reactor complex in Japan. This story's research has fried my brain friends, so I will give it to you as gently as possible, in sections of info..just so you can get the gyst.

  • Reactor #2 at Fukushima Daichi is still leaking enough radiation to kill you…. “The process is expected to last decades."… The tech to repair the reactor doesn't exist yet. Developing that will take time. In that same time, radiation seeps inexorably in a nation of 130 million, and nearly 100,000 people within a 450 square mile dead zone can't go back home. This is only year one—the Fukushima story is far, far from over.
  • The biggest nuclear incident since Chernobyl; comparative (don’t worry I wasn’t taught about this in school either).
  •  200,000 people evacuated due to nucear plant incompetence.

                FROM the E.P.A.- Environmental Protection Agency SITE:

              1. Like all radionuclides, exposure to radiation from cesium-137 results in 
                  increased risk of cancer.
              2. (Skip this part if your brain hurts already! Basically this means it sucks for the Earth and  
                  the humans) Cesium-137 undergoes radioactive decay with the emission of beta particles 
                  and relatively strong gamma radiation. Cesium-137 decays to barium-137m, a short-      
                  lived decay product, which in turn decays to a nonradioactive form of barium. The major 
                  dose from cesium-137 is from the barium-137. The half-life of cesium-137 is 30.17 years. 
                  Because of the chemical nature of cesium, it moves easily through the environment. This 
                 makes the cleanup of cesium-137 difficult.

  • NOT NATURALLY HERE: Caesium-137 in the environment is anthropogenic *man-made). Unlike most other radioactive isotopes, Cesium -137 is not produced from it's non-radioactive isotope, but as a byproduct of nuclear fission, meaning that, until now it has not occured on Earth for billions of years!
  • It wasn't the only radioactive substance released from the plant, but it's of particular concern because of its long persistence in the environment. Its Environmental half-life is 30 years. Meaning that it will be half of the radioactivity in 30 takes longer to actually drop further.
Japan’s Nuclear Plants’ / Governmental Problems

  • 300000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per square meter- what that means is a freakin’ lot.


Other countries Health Problems/Deaths:
                  Children are more susceptible due to immune system still not fully developed...
  • A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal International Journal of Health Services “[The authors] note that their estimate of 14,000 excess U.S. deaths in the 14 weeks after the  Fukushima meltdowns is comparable to the 16,500 excess deaths in the 17 weeks after the      Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. The rise in reported deaths after Fukushima was largest among    U.S. infants under age one. The 2010-2011 increase for infant deaths in the spring was 1.8        percent, compared to a decrease of 8.37 percent in the preceding 14 weeks.”   
  • 14 weeks before fukushima and after...children under one year in British Columbia...death rate was lowering...then raised…
·         It is being found in different states' soil as they test throughout blows in the wind, you know!
 (EPA was doing weekly tests, now quarterly)

  • In July 2011, meat from 11 cows shipped to Tokyo from Fukushima prefecture was found to have 1,530 to 3,200 Bq/kg of Cs-137, considerably exceeding the Japanese legal limit of 500 becquerels at that time. In Scandinavia, some reindeer and sheep exceeded the Norwegian legal limit (3000 Bq/kg), 26 years after Chernobyl.
  • Shibukawa City’s tea leaves were recently tested to have high amounts of radiation! They are more than 100 miles away from Fukushima, the nuclear site base!
  •  April 13th radiation test of Japanese Nori Seaweed conducted by EnviroReporter  showed levels 94.7% above normal levels.·        
  • Feb 2012 - GLOBAL - Radioactive contamination from the Fukushima power plant disaster has been detected as far as almost 400 miles (643 kilometers) off Japan in the Pacific Ocean, with water showing readings of up to 1,000 times more than prior levels, scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) reported Tuesday.
  • “So the risk of contaminated fish might be real…” Dr. Wespestad believes the public deserve to know for sure. That's why he's pushing for testing. Dr. Westpestad: fisheries biologist who spent 30 years working for NOAA in Seattle. He's spent years studying the migration of albacore across the Pacific. “Albacore that end-up off the Washington coast are hatched between the Philippines and Japan. They spend a few years around Japan before moving into the Central Pacific. After a few more years, they begin their annual treks to the West Coast." “In other words, those fish will be on the West Coast soon!” MHA
  • The Earth’s widest point is 25,000 miles around. Japan and U.S. are only 5,000 away from each other.

Watch a woman affected: EmikoNamauchi- a high school teacher

So.......WHAT CAN YOU DO? For your family NOW
  • We need to push regular test food; milk, dairy products, seafood from Pacific Northwest... Almost 60 percent of all products imported from Japan are foods. The most common food products imported include seafood, snack foods and processed fruits and vegetables!

      1. FDA is processing all food products from Japan in four categories:

               a.Category 2 consists of products from the Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi Prefectures                      that the Government of Japan has not currently banned for sale or export. These                     specific products include dairy products and fresh produce. Under Import Alert 99-33,                       authorities may detain these products when they arrive in the U.S. Authorities will                               release these products from detention if the importer can show the products are                  
                        compliant. “That just means Japan is being trusted to prove they are compliant? Give me                     break!” MHA “Just make sure you aren’t buying anything from there. Period.” MHA
  • On Seafoods…
  1. Buy only tested products ( I have only found ONE company voluntarily testing: Vital Choice) OR ones that are NOT from the Pacific Northwest (nor off the West Coast for that matter)..which is really the whole of Pacific Ocean’s seafod…Local fishermen catch about 100,000 pounds of albacore tuna off the Washington and Oregon's coasts each summer. Those fish spend years off the Japanese coast before migrating to the Pacific Northwest.
  2. Bon Apetite Foodist: I avoid all farm-raised salmon and imported farm-raised fish and shellfish, owing to reports of increased levels of toxic chemicals. (However, domestic farm-raised barramundi, arctic char, catfish, striped bass, and rainbow trout are fine.) And I eat sardines and mackerel, since the rule of thumb is that the smaller the fish, the more sustainable. Avoid Chilean sea bass, bluefin tuna, orange roughy, imported sturgeon caviar, and imported shrimp whenever possible. Just because it's on the menu at a famous chef's restaurant does not mean it's okay to eat. 
  3. In general, with or without Japan’s crap, this is how you can support ocean-friendly seafood- A Printable Pocket Guide to buying seafood: The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program creates science-based recommendations that help consumers and businesses make ocean-friendly seafood choices.                                                                                                        
        Alright here is a test to see if you are still with me:
55 atomic number radium cesium 55
Picocuries per liter (pCi/L) is a unit for measuring radioactive concentrations.
dog- approx.  5% of a  gram-     44 microgram of cesium 137      44  μg/kg) - lethal 3 weeks
1000 micrograms in a gram
 One gram of caesium-137 has an activity of 3.215 terabecquerel (TBq).[4]
100 grams (3.5 oz) of cesium
0.00122580 grams of cesium in a person-
each atomic mass unit weighs 2.3 grams
water weighs 1000 grams per liter…………………

WAIT, I told you it was only a test! But I really did read a bunch a crud in order to get to the point of those kind of notes…my real notes and hours of research went on and on…I could have done a story topic about “Say no to nuclear”…but chose the fish side of things…Why? Because the fish and the nuclear stand together. PLUS, I think the "News" is too busy telling us the problems without giving us any if I give you something informative that shares the true worry we should have for the immediate future, like what NOT to buy at the store, you will #1 Take care of what you can for your family NOW, and then #2 Fight against any buildings of nuclear on your own free time..even if it is just to talk about it..and spread the words about NOT supporting it in the future….even just the words...they do travel and travel almost one in the morning, and I still have got to get this off the word doc, and actually get it into the MHA!  Oh, look, it is 1:48 am, and ready to edit!

Peace and health to your family, Laney


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