Ignorant Comments and my retorts (for you breastfeeding haters, this
word means: to say something in answer to a remark or accusation,
typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner)
Comment #1
"Do you want to know why there are so many single mothers out there? Because they insist on nursing their babies. Obviously these morons don't realize tits are for the enjoyment of men, not feeding some stupid baby-hello? They sell cans of formula at any drugstore or supermarket." Author: a sad, sad, ignorant man.
MHA's Retort: No matter what your basic religious or moral views are, anyone in their right mind can tell what a faucet is for: letting water from it. This analogy is perfect for babying you through this topic. Boobies make milk, not for engorgement pain in vein, so that we new mommies can wish we were dead because they hurt so bad. Common sense, as opposed to your uncommon sense, tells one that the timing is not just coincidental when it comes to: Baby comes out, boobies explode with milk. Period. Any questions?
Boys only get the privilege of enjoying them when they are older...so that we may actually get to the point of making the babies in the first place! I know formula isn't natural since time. And from my experience, when I couldn't keep up with my last child, 17 teaspoons of sugar a day from the amount he drank of Similac's organic formula ( I calculated after a call in to them ) wasn't working out for my last kiddo, so he began real food at 6 weeks old! ***Future story on this***
Side thought: Do you drink cow milk? I do. But the point here is that it seems to me that you should be talking more on the unnaturalness of humans drinking cow milk, than human babies drinking human milk from boobies!
Comment #2
"Give your kid a boob, and they turn out to be little monsters." Ignorant genius.
MHA's Retort: Hey smarty, do you know how one gets to be a loving person? Oh, sorry, you wouldn't. Well, let me let you in on a little common secret:
Loving and closeness builds emotional bonds that can't be torn down. In turn, the children pass it on. In case you missed that, it is love that they are passing on to those they come into contact with. In my personal experience, my child and I got much more one to one eye contact, physical contact, and emotional contact in a year and a half than we would have had he been thrown a bottle.
Comment #3
"I don't know why these broads have to whip out their saggy hooters and feed their brats in public? Even a cat (and I know this because my cat recently had kittens) will go off somewhere private to nurse her kittens. Mine prefers the front hall closet. The least these women could do is find a bathroom stall, or a coat-check room.
MHA Retort: Tisk, tisk, tisk. I tell you what, the next time you fart, lock yourself in a coat check room, wait it out, and see how that pans out for you. Matter of fact, you must know by now how offensive your face is when you utter words...when you think of opening your mouth, maybe you should consider putting your head in the toilet first! ; )
Woman's negative attitude on breastfeeding from a talk show:
One woman off the street explained why she was against breastfeeding; she went on about how disgusting and obscene it was. If you look online, there are many women saying this.
MHA's Retort:
Witnessed first hand, there are many people, male or female, that think breastfeeding is gross, obscene, and can't handle the thought of doing it or catching it in the act. Why? Well, I will tell you my thoughts on the matter. We are getting so emotionally cut off from one another. And ourselves. On the computer a lot, watching TV, eating crud. Frigid towards wanting to be touched and getting touched. In the pain relief world (I am a pain relief specialist), I have had the opportunity to ask many couples and speak with someone else in the field dealing specifically with helping couples with sex issues, whom concurred: couples are rarely touching and massaging each other.
It is only natural and human to get and receive love. When we cut ourselves off from the things that makes us feel our passions...our self expressions of art and creativity... human contact..emotions...the circle goes on.... we all suffer the consequences as a whole. As a community.
This day and age, more people are disconnecting, and even such common senses are becoming less common. Hair grows where Nature/God (take your pic) put it...of course, in certain cultures/groups, we can be judged for having it grow just where it was meant to. Make-up isn't natural either, but in certain areas/clicks, I would be judged for not wearing it...for being natural. Panty hose itch and heels cause very damaging effects to the feet, if worn often. But the "have tos" have a way of judging people whom wear comfort fitted sandals behind the desk. What's it to you anyways, what my feet are wearing. How could I be possibly offending you? That is another story. And of course, breasts are for milk for the baby. Duh! But again, women are judged all over for actually doing what was meant to be done since the beginning of time.
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Fear over real humanity is in effect with these situations. I don't shave most of the time, I don't circumcise my boys. I breastfeed when I have little ones. Certain things are just meant to be untouched in my mind. But I won't call you nasty names. Maybe ignorant... and I may cringe at the thought of you placing your tiny baby on a table, strapped down to cut off his thousands of nerves off the end of his pee-pee. But all I can really do actively, positively... is share the words that nature doesn't have a mouth for. I welcome ALL commentary on the matter. Laney
FYI: Other breastfeeding benefits: Healthier babies, healthier teeth-less cavities (bottle rests in mouth while baby sleeps- soaks teeth, & rots them), Healthier moms (by Bfeeding, a woman's uterus tightens back up to normal- for lack of a better word) Still against breastfeeding and want the source of these facts: Do a google search yourself-Remember, I am only here to help you help yourself! ; )
FYI: State Laws Protecting women's Rights to Breastfeed
Forty-five states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have laws
that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.
Twenty-eight states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands exempt
breastfeeding from public indecency laws.
Twenty-four states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have laws
related to breastfeeding in the workplace.
Twelve states and Puerto Rico exempt breastfeeding mothers from jury duty.
Five states and Puerto Rico have implemented or encouraged the development
of a breastfeeding awareness education campaign.
Several states have unique laws related to breastfeeding. For instances:
breastfeeding on any land or property owned by the state-requirements for shopping malls, airports, public service government centers and other select locations to have accessible areas designed for breastfeeding and diaper changing that are not bathrooms-requirements for the Department of Public Health to develop a training course of hospital policies-exempts the sale of tangible personal property that is manufactured for the purpose of initiating, supporting or sustaining breastfeeding from the sales and use tax-laws related to the procurement, processing, distribution or use of human milk- creation of a Breastfeeding Mothers Bill of Rights, which is required to be posted in maternal health care facilities-creation of a law that allows a child under one year of age to accompany the mother to a correctional facility if the mother is breastfeeding at the time she is committed.
Click here for which states and their corresponding statutes!
Comment #1
"Do you want to know why there are so many single mothers out there? Because they insist on nursing their babies. Obviously these morons don't realize tits are for the enjoyment of men, not feeding some stupid baby-hello? They sell cans of formula at any drugstore or supermarket." Author: a sad, sad, ignorant man.
MHA's Retort: No matter what your basic religious or moral views are, anyone in their right mind can tell what a faucet is for: letting water from it. This analogy is perfect for babying you through this topic. Boobies make milk, not for engorgement pain in vein, so that we new mommies can wish we were dead because they hurt so bad. Common sense, as opposed to your uncommon sense, tells one that the timing is not just coincidental when it comes to: Baby comes out, boobies explode with milk. Period. Any questions?
Boys only get the privilege of enjoying them when they are older...so that we may actually get to the point of making the babies in the first place! I know formula isn't natural since time. And from my experience, when I couldn't keep up with my last child, 17 teaspoons of sugar a day from the amount he drank of Similac's organic formula ( I calculated after a call in to them ) wasn't working out for my last kiddo, so he began real food at 6 weeks old! ***Future story on this***
Side thought: Do you drink cow milk? I do. But the point here is that it seems to me that you should be talking more on the unnaturalness of humans drinking cow milk, than human babies drinking human milk from boobies!
Comment #2
"Give your kid a boob, and they turn out to be little monsters." Ignorant genius.
MHA's Retort: Hey smarty, do you know how one gets to be a loving person? Oh, sorry, you wouldn't. Well, let me let you in on a little common secret:
Loving and closeness builds emotional bonds that can't be torn down. In turn, the children pass it on. In case you missed that, it is love that they are passing on to those they come into contact with. In my personal experience, my child and I got much more one to one eye contact, physical contact, and emotional contact in a year and a half than we would have had he been thrown a bottle.
Comment #3
"I don't know why these broads have to whip out their saggy hooters and feed their brats in public? Even a cat (and I know this because my cat recently had kittens) will go off somewhere private to nurse her kittens. Mine prefers the front hall closet. The least these women could do is find a bathroom stall, or a coat-check room.
MHA Retort: Tisk, tisk, tisk. I tell you what, the next time you fart, lock yourself in a coat check room, wait it out, and see how that pans out for you. Matter of fact, you must know by now how offensive your face is when you utter words...when you think of opening your mouth, maybe you should consider putting your head in the toilet first! ; )
Woman's negative attitude on breastfeeding from a talk show:
One woman off the street explained why she was against breastfeeding; she went on about how disgusting and obscene it was. If you look online, there are many women saying this.
MHA's Retort:
Witnessed first hand, there are many people, male or female, that think breastfeeding is gross, obscene, and can't handle the thought of doing it or catching it in the act. Why? Well, I will tell you my thoughts on the matter. We are getting so emotionally cut off from one another. And ourselves. On the computer a lot, watching TV, eating crud. Frigid towards wanting to be touched and getting touched. In the pain relief world (I am a pain relief specialist), I have had the opportunity to ask many couples and speak with someone else in the field dealing specifically with helping couples with sex issues, whom concurred: couples are rarely touching and massaging each other.
It is only natural and human to get and receive love. When we cut ourselves off from the things that makes us feel our passions...our self expressions of art and creativity... human contact..emotions...the circle goes on.... we all suffer the consequences as a whole. As a community.
This day and age, more people are disconnecting, and even such common senses are becoming less common. Hair grows where Nature/God (take your pic) put it...of course, in certain cultures/groups, we can be judged for having it grow just where it was meant to. Make-up isn't natural either, but in certain areas/clicks, I would be judged for not wearing it...for being natural. Panty hose itch and heels cause very damaging effects to the feet, if worn often. But the "have tos" have a way of judging people whom wear comfort fitted sandals behind the desk. What's it to you anyways, what my feet are wearing. How could I be possibly offending you? That is another story. And of course, breasts are for milk for the baby. Duh! But again, women are judged all over for actually doing what was meant to be done since the beginning of time.
----------- -------------- --------------- ------- ----------------
Fear over real humanity is in effect with these situations. I don't shave most of the time, I don't circumcise my boys. I breastfeed when I have little ones. Certain things are just meant to be untouched in my mind. But I won't call you nasty names. Maybe ignorant... and I may cringe at the thought of you placing your tiny baby on a table, strapped down to cut off his thousands of nerves off the end of his pee-pee. But all I can really do actively, positively... is share the words that nature doesn't have a mouth for. I welcome ALL commentary on the matter. Laney
FYI: Other breastfeeding benefits: Healthier babies, healthier teeth-less cavities (bottle rests in mouth while baby sleeps- soaks teeth, & rots them), Healthier moms (by Bfeeding, a woman's uterus tightens back up to normal- for lack of a better word) Still against breastfeeding and want the source of these facts: Do a google search yourself-Remember, I am only here to help you help yourself! ; )
FYI: State Laws Protecting women's Rights to Breastfeed
Forty-five states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have laws
that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.
Twenty-eight states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands exempt
breastfeeding from public indecency laws.
Twenty-four states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have laws
related to breastfeeding in the workplace.
Twelve states and Puerto Rico exempt breastfeeding mothers from jury duty.
Five states and Puerto Rico have implemented or encouraged the development
of a breastfeeding awareness education campaign.
Several states have unique laws related to breastfeeding. For instances:
breastfeeding on any land or property owned by the state-requirements for shopping malls, airports, public service government centers and other select locations to have accessible areas designed for breastfeeding and diaper changing that are not bathrooms-requirements for the Department of Public Health to develop a training course of hospital policies-exempts the sale of tangible personal property that is manufactured for the purpose of initiating, supporting or sustaining breastfeeding from the sales and use tax-laws related to the procurement, processing, distribution or use of human milk- creation of a Breastfeeding Mothers Bill of Rights, which is required to be posted in maternal health care facilities-creation of a law that allows a child under one year of age to accompany the mother to a correctional facility if the mother is breastfeeding at the time she is committed.
Click here for which states and their corresponding statutes!
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